What should be the Supreme Concern of a Believer?

There is a verse in the Quran which is in Chapter Al-Imran (.سارعوا الي مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات والارض۔)"O people! Hasten towards the forgiveness of God and towards a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous." So, this is the thing that should be our goal, that should be our desire, that we receive forgiveness from God and that God grants us paradise. This is the only wish that should be in the heart of a believer. So I wish for this for myself and for all of you, and I hope for the same from God.

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I was standing on the balcony of my house, and I saw people coming and going on the road, some were walking, some were on bicycles, and there was a great rush of people. So I thought, if those people had to send me a message from God, from the Quran, what would it be? So, I remembered a verse from the Quran which is in Chapter Al-Imran (.سارعوا الي مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات والارض۔)"O people! Hasten towards the forgiveness of God and towards a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous." So, this is the thing that should be our goal, that should be our desire, that we receive forgiveness from God and that God grants us paradise. This is the only wish that should be in the heart of a believer. So I wish for this for myself and for all of you, and I hope for the same from God.

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